Skin Care Routine For That Glowing Look

Why Is Skin Health Important?

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and its health is essential because it protects our internal organs from the environment. It also helps maintain a healthy weight by acting as a barrier to prevent toxins from entering our bodies. Taking care of your skin is vital because it will reflect how you feel on the inside. If stressed, your skin will show that stress through breakouts and dry patches. If you are happy, your skin will show that with a healthy glow.

Skincare is the practice of caring for the skin of a person, usually with the general intention of promoting physical well-being or enhancing appearance. Skincare products are designed to cleanse, moisturize, protect and support healthy skin.

There are a variety of different types of hair products. Hair lotions, creams, and cleansers are used to moisturize and cleanse the hair and scalp. These products can be found in both drugstores as well as high-end salons.

We all want to have good skin. But what happens if you don't know what your skin type is? It's not always easy to know. But there are some ways you can figure it out.

Having good skin is a blessing and a curse. It can be hard to know what your skin type is and that can lead to a lot of trial and error. The easiest way to determine your skin type is by taking note of how your skin reacts to different environmental factors such as sun exposure, moisturizer, or even just being in the air.

There are a few different types of skin:

  • sensitive

  • combination

  • oily

  • dry

Knowing your skin type will help you figure out how to take care of your skin in the best way possible.

What is sensitive skin?

If you are experiencing sensitivity to products and they cause your skin to break out or feel irritated, chances are you have sensitive skin.

What is combination skin?

Combination skin is a skin type where the skin is sensitive, dry, and oily. It can be caused by genetics or external factors such as your environment, health, diet and hormonal changes. This type of skin often needs a balance of hydration and light moisture to maintain its healthy appearance. This skin type often has an oily T-zone (area along the forehead down to the nose) but the rest can be dry or normal.

What is oily skin?

One of the most common skin types is oily skin. If you find that your t-shirts are always getting stained with oil, then you may want to consider getting an oil-free moisturizer. Oily skin can be a result of hormones and genetics, but it can also be caused by frequent contact with the elements or some makeup products.

What is dry skin?

Dry skin is when your skin is not hydrated by the sebum or oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands. A dry-skin problem can be caused by a number of factors, including environmental factors and being exposed to harsh irritants. It's common for persons with dry skin to exhibit other symptoms such as itchiness or redness.

What Is A Good Skin Care Routine?

A good skincare routine is one that takes into account the needs of your skin type. A good routine will also take into account the environment in which you live and work.

#1 The first step to a good skincare routine is to cleanse your face (find a suitable cleanser for your skin type)

Cleansers: Gentle cleansers remove all the excess dirt, oil, and bacteria on your face. You should use a gentle cleanser that is suitable for your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, you should use a lighter facial scrub like jojoba beads or salt water. If you have oily skin, a product made with walnut shells or apricot pits may be your choice.

Check out our list of Cranraz-approved cleansers:

#2 the Second step is to use a toner to remove excess dirt.

Toners: Toners are used to remove excess dirt and oil from your face. They often have a stronger alcohol content, which will dry out your skin and leave it feeling tight and uncomfortable. You should avoid toners if you have dry skin, as they can cause small scratches that go deep into the skin.

Check out our list of Cranraz-approved toners:

#3 Don’t forget to moisturize :)

Moisturizers are a necessity for anyone with dry skin. The winter months can be harsh on the skin. If you live in a cold climate as I do, then it is even more important to keep your skin moisturized. Moisturizers trap water on the surface of the skin to create a barrier against environmental factors that can cause dryness and chapping.

Check out our list of Cranraz-approved moisturizers:

#4 If you are heading out or not, always wear your trusty Sunblock!

Sunblock is a necessity for anyone especially those that live in a sunny climate. It provides UV protection that can prevent sunburns and even skin cancer. Thankfully, there are several products available to choose from to suit your needs depending on your skin type and activity level.

Check out our list of Cranraz-approved Sunblock:

So there you have it! Let’s do a quick run through:

In order to have good skin, you need to take care of it and that includes the following steps:

- Wash your face with a gentle cleanser.

- Use a toner in order to remove excess dirt and unclog pores.

- Apply a moisturizer on your face.

- Use a sunblock to protect your skin.

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