Is a Long Distance Relationship Worth It?

A long-distance relationship is a romantic relationship between two people who live far apart.

In the modern world, long-distance relationships are becoming increasingly common, especially with the rise of online dating apps. There are many different reasons why people in long-distance relationships might find themselves living apart from one another. Some couples choose to live apart in order to pursue their educational or career goals, while others may be forced to move for work or family reasons.

Many Filipino couples end up having no choice because of work responsibilities and financial struggles to raise a family, and only working abroad is the best solution. But the question still remains, if given a choice, is a long-distance relationship worth it?

The main reason for a long-distance relationship is that the two people are in different places. It doesn't matter if they are in different states, countries, or continents. They could be in the same city but just not living together. There are many pros and cons to a long-distance relationship.

The Struggles of LDR

Long-distance relationships are often seen as a challenge because of the complications that come with them. Even though it is not always easy, people still continue to date and even marry their long-distance partners.

People in these types of relationships have to find ways to keep their relationship alive and well. They have to make sure they are staying connected with their partner and that they are able to maintain the same level of intimacy even when they are not together.

Some people find that they can't stay in a long-distance relationship because it takes too much time and effort on their part, while others find that it is worth the work. It all depends on what each person wants out of a relationship.

For some people, they need to have physical contact and validation from their partner because they are used to it. For others, they find that being in a long-distance relationship is very emotionally taxing. If the person is not emotionally ready for this, then it will be difficult for him or her to maintain a long-distance relationship. The person may find that he or she becomes clingy and needy, which makes it difficult for his or her partner to be around them.

The person may also find that they need more time to process what the long-distance relationship has meant for them in the past. In this way, they become distant and remote.

How to Make It Work?

When you are in a long-distance relationship, it can be difficult to keep your relationship going. It is important to find ways to make your relationship work and not let the distance get in the way of your love. LDR really is a mind-over-matter type of relationship. It demands a lot of patience and understanding.

So before you get all frustrated and all, here are some tips for making a long-distance relationship work:

- Work on yourself, be your best self! Insecurity is a relationship killer.

- Plan time together (and it means actually showing up on video calls and making time)

- Find a way to stay connected. Be creative and use technology to your advantage.

- Don’t think too much. Keep a relaxed mind and trust each other.

- Send each other gifts

- Spend quality time with friends/family when you are together. Make it count, but not to the point of expecting too much and getting obsessed with everything being perfect.

So before we head on to our conclusion, let’s see the pros and cons of LDR. Once you have figured out your head space in the relationship, you will find that it is not so bad, although there are downsides to it too.

Some of the pros include:

-Being able to spend more time with friends and family

-Not having to worry about someone else's moods or habits affecting your own life

-More time for self-development (e.g., hobbies, career)

Some of the cons include:

-The lack of physical intimacy can cause problems with other aspects of the relationship such as sex, which can lead to feelings of resentment and anger on both sides

- Not being able to give and receive the attention that you would like -The lack of connection can cause loneliness
-Less time for communicating with family and friends

-The lack of time for self-care (e.g., exercise, sleep) can leave you feeling drained and exhausted

So is it worth it?

The answer is YES!

If the person is worth it, then it is a YES.

If it makes both of you happy it is a YES.

LDR really is a balance of everything as in any other relationship. Figure out your priorities and how you see yourself in the relationship.

The distance is a huge, huge challenge, but LOVE conquers all.

Thanks for reading! :) and check out our highly recommended books and LDR gifts for your honey.


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